On this page, you can find the contact information, company details, and payment information of Orange Advertising Oy.
Company Information
Trade Name: Orange Advertising Oy
Business ID: 0109205-8
VAT Number: FI01092058
Industry: Advertising agency, marketing agency, media agency, digital marketing
Year of Establishment: 1999
Contact Information
- Siltasaarenkatu 18 A, 00530 HELSINKI
- firstname.lastname@orangead.fi
- orangead@orangead.fi
- 010 836 6600
Payment Information
- The invoice should contain Orange’s work number, the person ordering, and the actual delivery date
- Payment term is 30 days from the invoice date
- The invoice is processed after the approved delivery
- The invoice should not have any billing, handling, or other additional charges
- The invoice must be an electronic invoice
- Purchasing terms: www.orangead.fi/terms
Billing Address: Orange Advertising Oy, Siltasaarenkatu 18 A, 00530 HELSINKI
E-invoicing Address: FI5280003710101806
Operator: Danske Bank (DABAFIHH)
PDF Invoices: laskutus@orangead.fi